Book |
Essais orientaux, |
Darmesteter, James, 1849-1894.
1883. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
Géographie d'Aboulféda : texte arabe publié d'après les manuscrits de Paris et de Leyde / |
Abū al-Fidāʼ Ismāʻīl ibn ʻAlī, 1273-1331.
1840. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
Histoire des Mongols, depuis Tchinguiz-Khan jusqu'à Timour Bey ou Tamerlan. |
Ohsson, Constantin d', baron, 1779-1851.
1852. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
La sinologie / |
Chavannes, Édouard, 1865-1918.
c1915. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
Relations de voyages et texts geographigues arabes persans et turks relatifs a l'extreme-orient du VIII au XVIII siecles / |
Ferrand, Gabriel, 1864-1935.
1913. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
Relations politiques et commerciales de l'Empire romain avec l'Asie orientale <l'Hyrcanie, l'Indie, la Bactriane et la Chine> pendant les cinq premiers siècles de l'ère chrétienne, d'après les témoignages latins, grecs, arabes, persans, indiens et chinois ... |
Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint, 1795-1867.
1863. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
The Taʹrīkh-i-Jahán-gushá of ʻAláʹu ʹd-Din ʻAṭá Malik-i-Juwaynī (composed in A.H. 658 = A.D. 1260) ... |
Juvaynī, ʻAlāʼ al-Dīn ʻAṭā Malik, 1226-1283.
1912-37. |
Huart文庫; 大鳥文庫 |
Book |
Islam in India, or, The Qānūn-i-Islām; the customs of the Musalmāns of India; comprising a full and exact account of their various rites and ceremonies from the moment of birth to the hour of death, |
Ja'far Sharīf.
1921. |
Huart文庫; 東南亞 |
Book |
Les bas-reliefs d'Angkor-vat, |
Cœdès, George.
1911. |
Huart文庫; 東南亞 |
Book |
Pour comprendre l'art musulman dans l'Afrique du Nord et en Espagne / |
Ricard, Prosper, 1874-1952.
1924. |
Huart文庫; 東南亞 |
Book |
Histoire générale de la Chine et de ses relations avec les pays étrangers depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'à la chute de la dynastie mandchoue. |
Cordier, Henri, 1849-1925.
1920. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
A history of Persia, |
Sykes, Percy Molesworth, Sir, 1867-1945.
1915. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental public library at Bankipore. |
Ḵẖudā Baḵẖsh Oriyanṭal Pablik Lāʼibrerī
1908-42. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Etymologisches wörterbuch der turko-tatarischen sprachen, ein versuch zur darstellung des familienverhältnisses des turko-tatarischen wortschatzes. |
Vámbéry, Ármin, 1832-1913.
1878. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Histoire du khanat de Khokand / |
Nalivkin, Vladimir Petrovich, 1852-
1889. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Inscriptions de l'Orkhon déchiffrées, |
Thomsen, Vilhelm, 1842-1927.
1896. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
L'empire des Sassanides, le peuple, l'état, la cour, |
Christensen, Arthur, 1875-1945.
1907. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Mirâdj-nâmeh : publié pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit ouïgour de la Bibliothèque nationale / |
1882. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Nouveaux mélanges orientaux : mémoires / |
International Congress of Orientalists Vienna) 1886 : (7th :
1886. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Recherches sur les musulmans chinois, |
Ollone, Henri d'
1911. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Tezkereh-i-evliâ; Le mémorial des saints, |
ʻAṭṭārFarīd al-Dīn-approximately 1230.
1889. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲研究 |
Book |
Le livre de la création et de l'histoire d'Abou-Zéïd Ahmed Ben Sahl el-Balkhî / |
Maqdisī, Muṭahhar ibn Ṭāhir, 10th cent.
1899-1919. |
Huart文庫; 亞洲美術史:文化傳播路線上的亞洲古代藝術 |
Book |
Chrestomathie persane a l'usage des élèves de l'École spéciale des langues orientales vivantes. |
Schefer, Charles Henri Auguste, 1820-1898.
1883-85. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
Dictionnaire géographique, historique et littéraire de la Perse et des contrées adjacentes / |
Yāqūt ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥamawī, 1179?-1229.
1861. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
Géographie d'Aboulféda / |
Abū al-Fidāʼ Ismāʻīl ibn ʻAlī, 1273-1331.
1848-1883. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
Histoire de l'Asie Centrale (Afghanistan, Boukhara, Khiva, Khoqand) depuis les dernières années du règne de Nadir Chah (1153), jusqu'en 1233 de l'Hégire (1740-1818) / |
ʼAbd al DarīmBukhārīMir.
1876. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
Histoire des Samanides / |
Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498.
1845. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
Le Mahométisme en Chine et dans le Turkestan Oriental / |
Dabry de Thiersant, P. 1826-1898. (Philibert),
1878. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
Les prairies d'or / |
Masʻūdī, -956?
1861-1917. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
The life of Mahomet : with introductory chapters on the original sources for the biography of Mahomet, and on the pre-Islamite history of Arabia / |
Muir, William, Sir, 1819-1905.
1861. |
Huart文庫; 藤田文庫 |
Book |
"Corpus iuris" di Zaid ibn 'Ali (VIII sec. cr.) : la più antica raccolta di legislazione e di giurisprudenza musulmana finora ritrovata. Testo arabo pubblicato per la prima volta sui manoscritti iemenici della Biblioteca ambrosiana con introduzione storica / |
Zaid ibn 'Ali Zain al-'Abidin, d. 740.
1919. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
'Abd ar-Razzâq et son traité de la prédestination et du libre arbitre / |
Guyard, Stanislas, 1846-1884.
1873. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
'Abderrezâq el-Jezâíri; un médecin arabe du XIIe siècle de l'hégire. |
Colin, Gabriel, 1860-
1905. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
... Bibliographie de la Perse / |
Schwab, Moïse, 1839-1918.
1875. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A bibliography of religion (mainly Avestan and Vedic.) |
Saklatwalla, Jamshedji Edulji.
1922. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A brief narrative of recent events in Persia, followed by a translation of "The four pillars of the Persian constitution" ... namely, 1. The royal proclamation of August 5, 1906. 2. The electoral law of September 9, 1906. 3. The fundamental laws of December 30, 1906. 4. The supplementary fundamental laws of October 7, 1907. |
Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926.
1909. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A catalogue of the Persian printed books in the British Museum, |
British museum. Dept. of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts.
1922. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A catalogue of the collection of Persian manuscripts : including also some Turkish and Arabic presented to the Metropolitan museum of art, New York, by Alexander Smith Cochran / |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
1914. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A century of Persian ghazals / |
Bland, Nathaniel, 1803-1865, ed.
1851. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A descriptive list of the Arabic manuscripts : acquired by the Trustees of the British Museum since 1894 / |
British Museum. Dept. of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts.
1912. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities / |
Smith, William, 1813-1893.
1845. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A dictionary of Islam : being a cyclopaedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion / |
Hughes, Thomas Patrick, 1838-1911.
1885. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English : with a dissertation on the languages, literature, and manners of Eastern nations. |
Richardson, John, 1740 or 41-1795.
1806-10. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang dynasty : from 1743 to 1496, B.C., illustrated with forty-two Chinese wood engravings / |
Thoms, P. P. (Peter Perring)
1851. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A grammar of the Arabic language / |
Palmer, Edward Henry, 1840-1882.
1874. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A grammar of the Hindústání language, in the oriental and roman character, with numerous copper-plate illustrations of the Persian and Devanágarí systems of alphabetic writing, to which is added, a copious selection of easy extracts for reading, in the Persi-Arabic and Devanágarí characters, forming a complete introduction to the Totá-Kahání and Bágh-o-bahár, together with a vocabulary of all the words, and various explanatory notes / |
Forbes, Duncan, 1798-1868.
[1855] |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A grammar of the Persian language. |
Jones, William, Sir, 1746-1794.
1801. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A hand-list : arranged alphabetically under the titles, of the Turkish and other printed an lithographed books presented by Mrs. E.J.W. Gibb to the Cambridge university library, comp. by Edward G. Browne .. |
Cambridge University Library.
1906. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A hand-list of the Muḥammadan manuscripts : including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge / |
Cambridge University Library.
1900. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A history of Ottoman poetry, |
Gibb, Elias John Wilkinson, 1857-1901.
[1900-1909] |
Huart文庫 |