Journal |
Annali di agricoltura. |
1878-1921. |
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Journal |
Annual report / |
Missouri Botanical Garden. |
1890-1912. |
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Journal |
Annual report of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. |
Pennsylvania. Dept. of Agriculture. |
1896- |
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Journal |
Annual report of the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture. |
Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture. |
1854-1915. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Annual report of the secretary of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture. |
Connecticut. State Board of Agriculture. |
1867-1925. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Annual report of the secretary of the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan and ... annual report of the Agricultural College Experiment Station from .. |
Michigan. State Board of Agriculture. |
1897-1948. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Annual report of the trade and commerce of Chicago for the year ended December 31 ... / |
1869-1946. |
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Journal |
Annual report on administration of Chosen. |
[ -1938?] |
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Journal |
Annual reports of the Navy Department for the fiscal year .. |
United States. Navy Dept. |
18uu |
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Journal |
Annuario del R. Istituto botanico di Roma. |
1885-1908. |
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Journal |
Annuario della R. stazione bacologica di Padova. |
1872- |
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Journal |
Arbeiten des Forschungsinstitutes für Kartoffelbau. |
1919-1927. |
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Journal |
Archives de botanique. |
1833. |
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Journal |
Beitraege zur Entomologie, besonders in Bezug auf Schlesien. |
1832-[1833] |
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Journal |
Bericht der Königl. Lehranstalt für Obst- und Weinbau. |
[1888-1917?] |
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Journal |
Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der heimischen Flora. |
1891- |
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Journal |
Biennial report of the Bureau of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics of the State of Kentucky. |
Kentucky. Bureau of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics. |
1876-1928. |
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Journal |
Biennial report. |
Oregon. Board of Horticulture. |
1891- |
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Journal |
Bonplandia. Zeitschrift für die gesammte Botanik. |
1853 |
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Journal |
Bulletin - California Agricultural Experiment Station. |
California Agricultural Experiment Station. |
1884-1975. |
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Journal |
Bulletin / |
1893-1913. |
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Journal |
Bulletin / |
1887- |
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Journal |
Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. |
1913-1923. |
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Journal |
Bulletins and annual reports. |
Georgia Experiment Station. |
1890 |
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Journal |
Bullettino della Società botanica italiana. |
1892-1927. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Catalogo dei semi raccolti nell' anno ... |
Rome. Università. Orto botanico. |
18-- ?] |
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Journal |
Catálogo de las plantas del Jardín Botánico de Madrid en el año de ... |
Real Jardín Botánico (Spain) |
1849 |
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Journal |
Communications from the Horticultural Institute, Taihoky [sic] Imperial University. |
1929]- |
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Journal |
Directory of chemical industries in Canada as of date ... / |
[1919]- |
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Journal |
Field operations of the Division of Soils / |
United States. Division of Soils. |
1900-1901. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Histoire et mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, inscriptions et belles lettres de Toulouse. |
Académie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse. |
1782-1843. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Horticultural register, and gardener's magazine. |
1835 |
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Journal |
Industry year book and directory. |
[1928?- ] |
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Journal |
Insect life / |
1888-1895. |
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Journal |
International Harvester line : export general catalog. |
International Harvester Export Company. |
19uu |
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Journal |
Jaarboek van het Departement van Landbouw in Nederlandsch-Indië |
Dutch East Indies. Departement van Landbouw. |
1907-1911. |
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Journal |
Journal für die Botanik. |
1799-1803. |
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Journal |
Journal of applied microscopy and laboratory methods. |
1901-1903. |
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Journal |
Kakteenkunde. |
1929 |
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Journal |
Linnaea : ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. |
1826 |
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Journal |
Magazin für die Botanik, |
<1787-1790> |
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Journal |
Magazin von Merkwurdigen neuen Reisebeschreibungen. |
1789-1839? |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Memorie della R. Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, Classe di scienze fisiche. |
1908-1943. |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Memorie della R. Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. |
1884- |
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Journal |
Memorie della Reale accademia delle scienze di Parigi spettanti alla storia naturale : recate in italiana favella. |
1757- |
田中文庫 |
Journal |
Mycologisches Centralblatt = Mycological review = Revue mycologique = Rivista micologica : Zeitschrift für allgemeine und angewandte Mycologie : Organ für wissenschaftliche Forschung auf den Gebieten der allgemeinen Mycologie, Gärungschemie und technischen Mycologie / |
1912-1915. |
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Journal |
Neues Journal für die Botanik / |
1806-1810. |
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Journal |
New Hampshire agriculture. |
1871- |
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Journal |
Novi commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis. |
1834-1849. |
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Journal |
Opuscoli scientifici. |
1817- |
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