Book |
La rôtisserie de la reine Pédauque / |
France, Anatole, 1844-1924. |
[s.d.] |
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Book |
Les sept femmes de la Barbe Bleue et autres contes merveilleux / |
France, Anatole, 1844-1924. |
1920. |
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Book |
Sur la pierre blanche / |
France, Anatole, 1844-1924. |
[19--] |
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Book |
Thaïs / |
France, Anatole, 1844-1924. |
[n.d.] |
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Book |
La vie en fleur / |
France, Anatole, 1844-1924. |
1922. |
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Book |
Tagebuch der Brüder Goncourt : Eindrücke und Gespräche bedeutender Franzosen aus der Kriegszeit, 1870/1871 / |
Goncourt, Edmond de, 1822-1896. |
1919. |
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Book |
Leonardo da Vinci : a psychosexual study of an infantile reminiscence / |
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. |
1916. |
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Book |
Die Technik des Dramas / |
Freytag, Gustav, 1816-1895. |
1908. |
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Book |
Die gipsabgüsse antiker bildwerke in historischer folge erklärt : Bausteine zur geschichte der griechisch-romischen plastik / |
Berlin Museum. |
1885. |
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Book |
Les maitres d'autrefois : Belgique-Hollande / |
Fromentin, Eugène, 1820-1876. |
1898. |
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Book |
Denkmäler griechischer und römischer skulptur / |
Furtwängler, Adolf, 1853-1907. |
1904. |
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Book |
Noa Noa / |
Gauguin, Paul, 1848-1903. |
1920, c1919. |
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Book |
Führer durch Berlin's Kunstschatze : Museen - Denkmaler - Bauwerke / |
Gaulke, Johannes. |
1908. |
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Book |
The meaning of art, its nature, rôle, and value / |
Gaultier, Paul, 1872- |
1913. |
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Book |
Mademoiselle de Maupin / |
Gautier, Théophile, 1811-1872. |
1916. |
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Book |
Mademoiselle de Maupin, |
Gautier, Théophile, 1811-1872. |
1920. |
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Book |
Un trio de romans / |
Gautier, Théophile, 1811-1872. |
[1857] |
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Book |
An introduction to the methods and materials of literary criticism : the bases aesthetics and poetics / |
Gayley, Charles Mills, 1858-1932. |
1901. |
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Book |
La formation des légendes / |
Gennep, Arnold van, 1873-1957. |
[c1910] |
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Book |
Mémoires inédits de Mademoiselle George / |
George, Mademoiselle 1787-1867. (Marguerite-Joséphine Weimer), |
1908. |
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Book |
Die ideale Landchaftsmalerei : ihre Begründung und Vollendung in Rom / |
Gerstenberg, Kurt, 1886-1968. |
1923. |
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Book |
Goethe's Briefe an Charlotte von Stein / |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. |
1923. |
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Book |
Goethes naturwissenschaftliche Schriften / |
Steiner, Rudolf, 1861-1925. |
[1921] |
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Book |
Goethe's sämmtliche Werke in fünfundvierzig Bänden / |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. |
[189-?] |
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Book |
Goethes Übersetzungen und Bearbeitungen fremder Dichtungen / |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. |
1923. |
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Book |
Gesammelte Werke / |
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 1862-1946. |
1912. |
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Book |
Twice-told tales. |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864. |
[1902] |
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Book |
Hebbels werke / |
Hebbel, Friedrich, 1813-1863. |
[1889?] |
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Book |
Tagebücher und Briefe / |
Hebbel, Friedrich, 1813-1863. |
[1913] |
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Book |
Heinrich Heines sämtliche Werke / |
Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. |
[1890] |
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Book |
Heliodorus : an Aethiopian romance? / |
Heliodorus, of Emesa. |
[19--?] |
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Book |
Ideen zur Kulturphilosophie / |
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1803. |
1911. |
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Book |
Joh. Gottfr. Herder, Ideen / |
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1803. |
1904. |
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Book |
Sämtliche Werke in fünfzehn Bänden / |
Hoffmann, E. T. A. 1776-1822. (Ernst Theodor Amadeus), |
1900. |
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Book |
Michael Angelo Buonarroti, |
Holroyd, Charles, Sir, 1861-1917. |
[1911] |
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Book |
Art poétique. |
Horace. |
1905. |
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Book |
A new spirit of the age / |
1907. |
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Book |
J.P. Eckermann, sein leben für Goethe : nach seinen neuaufgefundenen tage büchern und briefen / |
Houben, H. H. 1875-1935. (Heinrich Hubert), |
1925-1928. |
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Book |
Die Romantik / |
Huch, Ricarda Octavia, 1864-1947. |
1922. |
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Book |
An introduction to the study of literature / |
Hudson, William Henry, 1862-1918. |
1919. |
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Book |
Ivory, apes and peacocks; Joseph Conrad, Walt Whitman, Jules Laforgue, Dostoïevsky and Tolstoy, Schoenberg, Wedekind, Moussorgsky, Cézanne, Vermeer, Matisse, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Italian futurists, various latter-day poets, painters, composers and dramatists. |
Huneker, James, 1857-1921. |
1915. |
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Book |
The pathos of distance; a book of a thousand and one moments, |
Huneker, James, 1857-1921. |
1913. |
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Book |
Promenades of an impressionist, |
Huneker, James, 1857-1921. |
1910. |
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Book |
La cathédrale / |
Huysmans, J.-K. 1848-1907. (Joris-Karl), |
1907. |
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Book |
A rebours : Avec une préface de l'auteur, écrite vingt ans après le roman. |
Huysmans, J.-K. 1848-1907. (Joris-Karl), |
1919. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Das Ibsenbuch : Ibsen in seinen Werken, Briefen, Reden und Aufsätzen / |
Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. |
1907. |
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Book |
Ibsens Bühnentechnik / |
Jacobs, Monty, 1875-1945. |
1920. |
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Book |
Essay on beauty / |
Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, Lord, 1773-1850. |
[n.d.] |
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Book |
Ästhetik der bildenden Künste / |
Jodl, Friedrich, 1849-1914. |
1917. |
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Book |
The six chief lives from Johnson's "Lives of the poets," with Macaulay's "Life of Johnson." / |
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784. |
1889. |
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