
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源類型
Book Superplastic deformation in oxide dispersion strengthened nickel base superalloys Gregory, Jean Karen. 1983. 微片
Book Surface acoustic wave probing of ceramics Tien, Julia Ju-Wen. 1983. 微片
Book Propagating elastic-plastic fields : asymptotic analysis of plane strain crack growth and restrictions on moving surfaces of strong discontinuity Drugan, Walter John. 1982. 微片
Book Acoustoelasticity : scanning with shear waves Shaikh, Nisar. 1983. 微片
Book Finite element and boundary element analyses of large strain large displacement problems in elastoviscoplasticity Chandra, Abhijit, 1957- 1983. 微片
Book Finite deformation-finite element formulations for elastic-viscoplastic materials Lemaster, Robert Allen. 1983. 微片
Book A continuum model for friction with applications in metal forming plasticity Al-Khattat, Ibrahim M. 1981. 微片
Book Inelastic growth of cracks and cavities Sham, Ting-Leung, 1953- 1983. 微片
Book A viscoplastic analysis of the influences of time and loading rate on cracked structures Little, Mark Michael. 1982. 微片
Book Acoustic emission analysis of woven graphite-epoxy composite materials Clinton, Raymond Garland. 1983. 微片
Book High-intensity sound in air saturated, fibrous bulk porous materials Kuntz, Herbert Louis. 1983. 微片
Book Dynamic analysis of interfacial cracks in composite laminates Kuo, A.Y. (an-Yu) 1982 微片
Book Stress singularities in laminated composite wedges Ojikutu, Isaaq Oluyele. 1983. 微片
Book Frequency-shaped estimation and robust controller design for aircraft flight control in wind disturbances Kim, Byung Kyo. 1983. 微片
Book Nonlinear inverse perturbation method in dynamic redesign Kim, Ki Ook. 1983. 微片
Book On the dynamic fracture of bars, beams, and plates Levy, Cesar. 1983. 微片
Book The emergence and propagation of a phase boundary in an elastic bar Pence, Thomas James. 1983. 微片
Book Buckling postbuckling, and crippling, and crippling of materially nonlinear laminated composite plates Arnold, Rocky Richard. 1983. 微片
Book Dynamic analyses of liquid storage tanks Haroun, Medhat Ahmed. 1980. 微片
Book Computer Modeling of static and dynamic behavior of cylindrical liquid storage tanks Tayel, Magdy Abdel Hameed. 1985. 微片
Book Wave forces by numerical simulation Alexander, Harold Corbett. 1979. 微片
Book Nonlinear diffraction theory by an eigenfunction expansion of the Green's function Chen, Min-Chu. 1980. 微片
Book Wave spectral transformation in shallow water Chen, Yun-hai. 1982. 微片
Book Tide-induced residual circulation in shallow bays a theoretical approach / Chiu, Sheramn S. 1980. 微片
Book Silent boundary methods for transient wave analysis Cohen, Martin. 1981. 微片
Book A numerical model for defraction of linear-conidal waves Headland, John richard. 1984. 微片
Book 17th Design Automation Conference proceedings Design Automation Conference Minneapolis, Minn.) 1980 : (17th : 1980. 微片
Book 16th Design Automation Conference proceedings Design Automation Conference San Diego, Calif.) 1979 : (16th : c1979. 微片
Book Measured fluid forces on an accelerated/decelerated circular cylinder Bird, Ashley Roderick, 1943- 1985. 微片
Book Ultrasound characterization of disturbed flow patterns D'luna, Lionel J. (Lionel Joseph) 1981. 微片
Book Symposium on Testing Techniques in Ship Cavitation Research, Trondheim, Norway, 31 May to 2 June 1967 : conference report Todd, Frederick H. 1967. 微片
Book Acoustic emissions testing as a nondestructive monitor of concrete cracking due to reinforcing bar corrosion Young, James D. (James Daniel) 1983. 微片
Book Suppression of interference flutter by composite tailoring Bakthavathsalam, T.N. 1983. 微片
Book Plastic flows of tubes and blocks Lee, Jong Soo. 1983. 微片
Book Tidal motion in Long Island Sound Skridulis, James Charles. 1980. 微片
Book Application of boundary integral equation method to water wave problems Abbaspour, Madjid Tehrani. 1982. 微片
Book Propagation of weakly-nonlinear surface water waves in regions with varying depth and current Kirby, James Thornton. 1983. 微片
Book Surf beat : numerical and theoretical analyses Lo, Jen-Men W. 1981. 微片
Book Velocity and pressure measurements in the turbulent boundary layer above mechanically generated water waves Papadimitrakis, Yiannis Alexandrous. 1983. 微片
Book On cylindrical solitary waves Power Meneses, Henry. 1981. 微片
Book The use of computer simulation techniques in the design of ship channel width Thomas, Clinton W. 1986. 微片
Book Littoral sand transport on beaches Walton, Todd L. 1979. 微片
Book Wave induced vibrations of continuous floating structures Georgiadis, Constantinos. 1981. 微片
Book Finite element analysis of wave interference effects between large structures Huang, Min-Chin. 1983. 微片
Book Development of a methodology for the design, construction and quality assurance of the core of rubble mound breakwaters Mansour, Wahid Omar. 1984. 微片
Book Study of the wide-band spectrum fatigue on welded offshore structures Chu, Zin-Hon. 1986. 微片
Book Static/dynamic redesign of marine structures Hoff, Curtis James. 1985. 微片
Book Hydrodynamic loads on offshore structures during subsea blowouts Rajiv, Pakanati V. S. 1986. 微片
Book Application of the boundary integral equation method to nonlinear water wave problems Kim, Sung Kyu, 1949- 1984. 微片
Book The shallow water equations : formulation, analysis and application Kinnmark, I. 1953- (Ingemar), 1984. 微片
