Book |
The Koran, commonly called the Alkoran of Mohammed / |
[1887] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais : a l'usage des etablissements d'instruction publique et des gens du monde / |
Elwall, Alfred, 1818-1889. |
[1904] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Lehr- und lesebuch der siamesischen sprache und deutsch siamesisches wörterbuch : Zum selbststudium mit phonetischer aussprachebezeichnung, übungsaufgaben und lesebuch / |
Wershoven, F. J. 1851-1928. (Franz Josef), |
[1892] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Oriental and linguistic studies. |
Whitney, William Dwight, 1827-1894. |
1893, [c1872-1874] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The Middle Kingdom : a survey of the geography, government, education, social life, arts, religion, etc., of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants / |
Williams, S. Wells 1812-1884. (Samuel Wells), |
1861. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The heart of a continent : a narrative of travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Hunza, 1884-1894 / |
Younghusband, Francis Edward, Sir, 1863-1942. |
1904. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
China war, 1860 : letters and journal / |
Allgood, George. |
1901. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The human skeletal remains from the Sha Kuo T'un cave deposit in comparison with those from Yang Shao Tsun and with recent North China skeletal material / |
Black, Davidson, 1884-1934. |
1925. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
A comparative dictionary of the languages of India and high Asia : with a dissertation. Based on the Hodgson lists, official records, and mss / |
Hunter, William Wilson, Sir, 1840-1900. |
1868. |
藤田文庫; 東南亞 |
Book |
Leçons sur l'histoire de l'art : L'art dans l'antiquité / |
Magne, Lucien, 1849-1916. |
[19--?] |
藤田文庫 |
Journal |
The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society .. |
Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) |
1831-[81] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Bezeichnungen des Welt- und Lebensanfanges in der chinesischen Bilderschrift / |
Piper, Gottfried Otto. |
1846. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world : or, The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia / |
Rawlinson, George, 1812-1902. |
1873. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Abrégé de l'histoire de la civilisation : depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours / |
Seignobos, Ch. |
[19--] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Burma : a handbook of practical information / |
Scott, James George, Sir, 1851-1935. |
1911. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
History of the Armenians in India from the earliest times to the present day / |
Seth, Mesrovb Jacob. |
1897. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The expansion of Russia, 1815-1900 / |
Skrine, Francis Henry, 1847-1933. |
1904. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The heart of Asia : a history of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian khanates from the earliest times / |
Skrine, Francis Henry, 1847-1933. |
1899. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / |
1853-1856. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Asoka, the Buddhist emperor of India. |
Smith, Vincent Arthur, 1848-1920. |
1920. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The early history of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest : including the invasion of Alexander the Great / |
Smith, Vincent Arthur, 1848-1920. |
1914. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities / |
1851. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The history of England, from the revolution to the death of George the Second : (designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume's History); in five volumes / |
Smollett, T. 1721-1771. (Tobias), |
1791. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Korean Buddhism, history -- condition -- art : three lectures / |
Starr, Frederick, 1858-1933. |
1918. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The lands of the eastern caliphate : Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia, from the Moslem conquest to the time of Timur / |
Le Strange, G. 1854-1933. (Guy), |
1905. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Ten thousand miles in Persia; or, Eight years in Irán / |
Sykes, Percy Molesworth, Sir, 1867-1945. |
1902. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Central Asia. : Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet and Central Asia / |
Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. |
1883, c1881. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Russian politics / |
Thompson, Herbert Metford. |
1896. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Asia and Europe : studies presenting the conclusions formed by the author in a long life devoted to the subject of the relations between Asia and Europe / |
Townsend, Meredith, 1831-1911. |
1901. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Java, geographisch, ethnologisch, historisch / |
Veth, Pieter Johannes, 1814-1895. |
1896-1907. |
藤田文庫; 東南亞 |
Book |
Histoire de Charles XII, roi de Suède / |
Voltaire, 1694-1778. |
1900. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Die Erdkunde von Asien / |
Ritter, Carl, 1779-1859. |
1832-1858. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Namen- und Sach-Verzeichniss zu Carl Ritter's Erdkunde von Asien / |
Ideler, Julius Ludwig, 1809-1842. |
1841-1849. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Dictionnaire géographique, historique et littéraire de la Perse et des contrées adjacentes / |
Yāqūt ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥamawī, 1179?-1229. |
1861. |
藤田文庫; Huart文庫 |
Book |
Ceylon : an account of the island physical, historical and topographical, with notices of its natural history, antiquities, and productions. |
Tennent, James Emerson, Sir, 1804-1869. |
1859. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The book of Ser Marco Polo : the Venetian concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the east / |
Polo, Marco, 1254-1323? |
1874. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Chinese art : by Stephen W. Bushell / |
Bushell, Stephen W. 1844-1908. (Stephen Wootton), |
1904-1906. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Umayyads and ʻAbbásids : being the fourth part of Jurjí Zaydán's history of Islamic civilization / |
Zaydān, Jirjī, 1861-1914. |
1907. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Arabian medicine : being the Fitzpatrick lectures delivered at the College of physicians in November 1919 and November 1920 / |
Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926. |
1921. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Die geschichte Tabaristan's und der Serbedare nach Chondemir / |
Khvānd Amīr, Ghiyās al-Dīn ibn Humān al-Dīn, ca. 1475-1535? |
1850. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Chrestomathie persane a l'usage des élèves de l'École spéciale des langues orientales vivantes. |
Schefer, Charles Henri Auguste, 1820-1898. |
1883-85. |
藤田文庫; Huart文庫 |
Book |
A history of the great Moghuls : or, A history of the badshahate of Delhi from 1398 A.D. to 1739, with an introduction concerning the Mongols and Moghuls of central Asia / |
Kennedy, Pringle, 1855-1925. |
1905-1911. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
The Russians at the gates of Herat / |
Marvin, Charles, 1854-1890. |
[1885] |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Journal of an embassy from the governor-general of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin China : exhibiting a view of the actual state of those kingdoms / |
Crawfurd, John, 1783-1868. |
1830. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Les prairies d'or / |
Masʻūdī, -956? |
1861-1917. |
藤田文庫; Huart文庫 |
Book |
Select documents illustrating mediæval and modern history / |
Reich, Emil, 1854-1910. |
1905. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Serindia : detailed report of explorations in Central Asia and westernmost China carried out and described under the orders of H.M. Indian government / |
Stein, Aurel, Sir, 1862-1943. |
1921. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Stieler's Atlas of modern geography : 100 maps with 162 inset maps engraved on copper / |
Stieler, Adolf, 1775-1836. |
1909. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
China and the Roman Orient : researches into their ancient and mediæval relations as represented in old Chinese records / |
Hirth, Friedrich, 1845-1927. |
1885. |
藤田文庫 |
Book |
Histoire des relations de la Chine avec l'Annam-Viêtnam du XVIe au XIXe siècle : d'après des documents chinois traduits pour la première fois et annotés / |
Devéria, Gabriel, 1844-1899, ed. |
1880. |
藤田文庫 |