Book |
A history of Persian literature in modern times (A.D. 1500-1924), |
Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926.
1924. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A literary history of Persia. |
Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926.
[1902-24] |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A personal narrative of a visit to Ghuzni, Kabul and Afghanistan, and of a residence at the court of Dost Mohamed: with notices of Runjit Sing, Khiva, and the Russian expedition. |
Vigne, Godfrey Thomas, 1801-1863.
1843. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A residence in Bulgaria; or, Notes on the resources and administration of Turkey: the condition and character, manners, customs, and language of the Christian and Musselman populations, with reference to the Eastern question. |
St. Clair, Stanislas Graham Bower.
1869. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A romanized Hindūstāni and English dictionary, designed for the use of schools. |
Brice, Nathaniel.
1864. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A supplementary hand-list of the Muḥammadan manuscripts : including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the libraries of the University and Colleges of Cambridge / |
Cambridge University Library.
1922. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A view of the history and coinage of the Parthians, with descriptive catalogues and tables, illus. with a complete set of engravings of coins, a large number of them unpublished. |
Lindsay, John, 1789-1870.
1852. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
A year amongst the Persians. Impressions as to the life, character, & thought of the people of Persia, received during twelve months' residence in that country in the years 1887-1888, |
Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926.
1893. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Abdollatiphi Historiae aegypti compendium : arabice et latine / |
ʻAbd al-Laṭīf al-BaghdādīMuwaffaq al-Dīn1162-1231.
1800. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Abdu-r-razzaq's dictionary of the technical terms of the Sufies .. |
ʻAbd al-Razzāq al-Qāshānī-1330?
1845. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Abu'l-Barakat ibn al-Anbāri; die grammatischen Streitfragen der Basrer und Kufer. |
Ibn al-Anbārī, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad, 1119-1181.
1913. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Abu-'l-Fathʻ Muhʻammad asch-Schahrastâni's Religionspartheien und Philosophenschulen, zum ersten Male vollständig aus dem Arabischen übersetzt und mit erklärenden Anmerkungen versehen |
Shahrastānī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm, 1086?-1153.
1850-51. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Abvlfedae Descriptio Aegypti, Arabice et Latine / |
1776. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Account of a rare manuscript history of Iṣfahán / |
Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926.
1901. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du IVe Congrès international d'histoire des religions tenu à Leide du 9e-13e septembre 1912. |
International Congress for the History of Religions Leyden) 1912 : (4th :
1913. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du XIVe Congreès international des orientalistes, Alger, 1905. |
International congress of Orientalists Algiers) 1905 : (14th :
1906-08. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du dixième Congrès international des orientalistes. Session de Genève. 1894. |
International congress of Orientalists Geneva) 1894 : (10th :
1895-97. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du huitìeme Congrès international des orientalistes, tenu en 1889 à Stockholm et à Christiania. |
International Congress of Orientalists Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway) 1889 : (8th :
1891-93. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du onzième Congrès international des orientalistes. Paris--1897 .. |
International congress of Orientalists Paris) 1897 : (11th :
1898-99. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du premier Congrès international d'histoire des religions, Paris, 1900. |
International congress for the history of religions Paris) 1900: (1st:
1901-02. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du quinzième Congrès international des orientalistes, session de Copenhague, 1908. |
International Congress of Orientalist Copenhagen) 1908 : (15th :
1909. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Actes du sixième Congrès international des orientalistes .. |
International congress of Orientalists Leyden) 1883 : (6th :
1884-85. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Additions aux dictionnaires arabes. |
Fagnan, E. 1846-1931. (Edmond),
1923. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Adonis : étude de religions orientales comparées / |
Frazer, James George, 1854-1941.
1921. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Agents et voyageurs français au Maroc, 1530-1660. |
Castries, Henry, comte de, 1850-1927.
1911. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Al-Fakhrî : Histoire du khalifat et du vizirat, depuis leurs origines jusqu'a la chute du khalifat 'Abbaside de Bagdâdh (II-656 de l'hégire=632-1258 de notre ére), avec des prolégomènes sur les principes du gouvernement / |
Ibn al-Ṭiqṭaqā, Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī, approximately 1262-
1895. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Album de statistique graphique .. |
France. Ministère des travaux publics.
1879-1900. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Alfiyya : ou, La quintessence de la grammaire arabe, ouvrage de Djémal-eddin Mohammed, connu sous le nom d'Ebn-Malec / |
Ibn Mālik, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, -1274.
1833. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Ali's hundert Sprüche / |
ʻAlī ibn Abī ṬālibCaliphapproximately 600-661.
1837. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Amthāl Luqmān al-ḥakīm = Fables de Lokman, surnommé le sage, en arabe et en français, avec la prononciation figurée, ainsi que la traduction en français, mot à mot et interlinéaire, le tout suivi d'une analyse grammaticale, de notes et d'une traduction française au net / |
1847. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
An Arabic history of Gujarat : Zafar ul-wálih bi Muzaffar wa ālih / |
Ulughkhānī, ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar, b. ca. 1540.
1910-1928. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
An account of the Ottoman conquest of Egypt in the year A.H. 922 (A.D. 1516) |
Ibn Iyās, 1448-approximately 1524.
1921. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833, 34, and 35, partly from notes made during a former visit to that country in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28. |
Lane, Edward William, 1801-1876.
1837-46. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
An inquiry into the ethnography of Afghanistan, prepared and presented to the Ninth international congress of Orientalists (London, September, 1891) |
Bellew, H. W. 1834-1892. (Henry Walter),
1891. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Anecdotes musulmanes, texte arabe, ou, Cours d'arabe élémentaire, contenant une série d'anecdotes tirées des auteurs musulmans, suivi d'un dictionnaire analytique des mots, des formes et des idiotismes contenus dans le texte / |
Cherbonneau, A. 1813-1882. (Auguste),
1847. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Annales auctore Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari / |
1879-[188-?] |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Annales d'Égypte (les khalifes Fâtimides) / |
Ibn Muyassar, -1278.
1919. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Annales. |
1925-1929. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Anthologie de la littérature japonaise des origines au XXe siècle, |
Revon, Michel, 1867-
[c1910] |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Anthologie grammaticale arabe : ou, Morceaux choisis de divers grammairiens et scholiastes arabes, avec une traduction française et des notes ; pouvant faire suite a la Chrestomathie arabe / |
Silvestre de Sacy, A. I. 1758-1838. (Antoine Isaac),
1829. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Anthropological papers : papers read before the Anthropological society of Bombay / |
Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji, Sir, 1854-1933.
[1911]-1934. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Aperçu de l'histoire d'Égypte depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la conquête musulmane / |
Mariette, Auguste, 1821-1881.
1864. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Arabica analecta inedita e tribus manuscriptis genevensibus / |
Humbert, Jean, 1792-1851, ed.
1838. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Arabie, |
Desvergers, Noël, 1805-1867.
1847. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Arabische chrestomathie / |
1802. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Arabische inschriften, |
Berchem, Max van, 1863-1921.
[1912] |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Arabska︠i︡a khrestomat̄︠i︡a / |
Girgas, V. Ḟ. 1835-1887. (Vladimīr Ḟeodorovich),
1875-1876. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Architecture (Muhammadan in Syria and Egypt) / |
Berchem, Max van, 1863-1921.
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Architettura ippodamea, contributo alla storia dell'edilizia nell' antichità. |
Cultrera, Giuseppe, 1877-
1924. |
Huart文庫 |
Book |
Arminius Vambery: his life and adventures. |
Vámbéry, Ármin, 1832-1913.
[pref. 1883] |
Huart文庫 |