
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源類型
Book The Kitāb al-ansāb of ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn Muḥammad al-Samʻānī : reproduced in facsimile from the ms. in the British Museum, add. 23,355, with an introd. by D.S. Margoliouth. Samʻānī, ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn Muḥammad, 1113-1166. 1912. Huart文庫
Book The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed / 1836. Huart文庫
Book The Koran; tr. from the Arabic, the suras arranged in chronological order, with notes and index, 1861. Huart文庫
Book The Lebanon in turmoil, Syria and the powers in 1860; Book of the marvels of the time concerning the massacres in the Arab country, Abkāriyūs, Iskandar ibn Yaʻqūb, -1885. 1920. Huart文庫
Book The Lubábu ʼl-albáb of Muḥammad ʻAwfí / 1903-1906. Huart文庫
Book The Marzubán-náma : a book of fables originally complied in the dialect of Tabaristán, and translated into Persian by Sa'du 'd-Dín-i-Waráwíní / Marzuban ibn Rustam, aspahbad of Mazandaran. 1909. Huart文庫
Book The Mathnawí of Jalálu'ddín Rúmí, Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Maulana, 1207-1273. 1925-40. Huart文庫
Book The Mohammadan dynasties : chronological and genealogical tables with historical introductions / Lane-Poole, Stanley, 1854-1931. 1925. Huart文庫
Book The Naḳāʼiḍ of Jarīr and al-Farazdaḳ / Jarīr ibn ʻAṭīyah, -728? 1905/07-08/12. Huart文庫
Book The Parsees at the court of Akbar and Dastur Meherjee Rânâ. Two papers Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji, Sir, 1854-1933. 1903. Huart文庫
Book The Pearl-strings : a history of the Resúliyy dynasty of Yemen / Khazrajī, ʻAlī ibn al-Ḥasan, -1409 or 1410. 1906-18. Huart文庫
Book The Persian moonshee. Gladwin, Francis, -1813? 1801. Huart文庫
Book The Persian mystics. Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Maulana, 1207-1273. 1907. Huart文庫
Book The Ráḥat-uṣ ṣudúr wa áyat-us-surúr : being a history of the Saljúqs / Rāvandī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī, active 1202. 1921. Huart文庫
Book The Ta'ríkh-i-guzída : or, "Select history" of Hamdu̓lláh Mustawfí-i-Qazwíní, compiled in A.H. 730 (A.D. 1330), and now reproduced in fac-simile from a manuscript dated A.H. 857 (A.D. 1453) / Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī Qazvīnīactive 1330-1340. 1910-13. Huart文庫
Book The Tadhkiratu 'l-awliya (" Memoirs of the saints") / ʻAṭṭārFarīd al-Dīn-approximately 1230. 1905-1907. Huart文庫
Book The Tajârib al-umam, or, History of Ibn Miskawayh (Abu ʻAli Aḥmad b. Muḥammad) ob. A.H. 421 / Ibn Miskawayh, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, -1030. 1909-17. Huart文庫
Book The Tooti nameh, or, Tales of a parrot : in the Persian language, with an English translation = Ṭūṭīʹnāmah. Nakhshabī, Z̤iyāʼ al-Dīn, d. 1350. 1801. Huart文庫
Book The biographical dictionary of illustrious men : chiefly at the beginning of Islamism / Nawawī, 1233-1277. 1842-47. Huart文庫
Book The blackest page of modern history; events in Armenia in 1915, the facts and the responsibilities, Gibbons, Herbert Adams, 1880-1934. 1916. Huart文庫
Book The book of religion and empire: a semi-official defence and exposition of Islam written by order at the court and with the assistance of the Caliph Mutawakkil (A.D. 847-861), ṬabarīʻAlī ibn Sahl Rabban9th cent. 1922. Huart文庫
Book The chronology of ancient nations : an english version of the Arabic text of the Athâr-ul-Bâkiya of Albîrûnî, or "Vestiges of the past" / Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 973?-1048. 1879. Huart文庫
Book The city of the Sultan, and, Domestic manners of the Turks in 1836 / Pardoe, Miss 1806-1862. (Julia), 1837. Huart文庫
Book The conference of the birds, a Sufi allegory; being an abridged version of Farud-ud-din Attar's Mantiq-ut-Tayr, ʻAṭṭārFarīd al-Dīn-approximately 1230. 1924. Huart文庫
Book The divans of the six ancient Arabic poets Ennabiga, 'Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, 'Alqama and Imruulqais; chiefly according to the mss. of Paris, Gotha, and Leyden; and the collection of their fragments with a list of the various readings of the text. Ahlwardt, W. 1828-1909, ed. (Wilhelm), 1870. Huart文庫
Book The foundation of the Ottoman empire; a history of the Osmanlis up to the death of Bayezid I (1300-1403) Gibbons, Herbert Adams, 1880-1934. 1916. Huart文庫
Book The geographical part of the Nuzhat-al-qulūb composed by Hamd-Allāh Mustawfī of Qazwīn in 740 (1340) / Hamd Allāh, Mustaufī, al-Kazwīnī, 14th cent. 1915-19. Huart文庫
Book The government of the Ottoman empire in the time of Suleiman the Magnificent, Lybyer, Albert Howe, 1876-1949. 1913. Huart文庫
Book The governors and judges of Egypt : or, Kitâb el ʼumarâʼ (el wulâh) wa Kitâb el qudâh of el Kindî / Kindī, Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, 897-961. 1912. Huart文庫
Book The heterodoxies of the Shiites : according to Ibn Ḥazm / Ibn Ḥazm, ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad, 994-1064. 1909. Huart文庫
Book The history of Mohammedanism and its sects : derived chiefly from Oriental sources / Taylor, W. C. 1800-1849. (William Cooke), 1834. Huart文庫
Book The poetical works of Behá-ed-Dín Zoheir of Egypt : with a metrical English translation, notes and introdution / Bahāʼ al-Dīn Zuhayr ibn Muḥammad, 1185-1258. 1876- Huart文庫
Book The press and poetry of modern Persia; partly based on the manuscript work of Mírzá Muhammad ʻAlí Khán "Tarbivat" of Tabríz Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926. 1914. Huart文庫
Book The speeches & table-talk of the Prophet Mohammad / 1882. Huart文庫
Book The table-talk of a Mesopotamian judge : being the first part of the Nishwār al-Muḥāḍarah, or Jāmiʻ al-tawārīkh of Abu 'Alī al-Muḥassin al-Tanūkhī / Tanūkhī, al-Muḥassin ibn ʻAlī, 940?-994. 1921-22. Huart文庫
Book The travels of Ibn Jubair / Ibn Jubayr, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1145-1217. 1852. Huart文庫
Book The travels of ibn Jubayr / Ibn Jubayr, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1145-1217. 1907. Huart文庫
Book The vazir of Lankuran : a Persian play; a text-book of modern colloquial Persina for the use of European travellers, residents in Persia, and students in India / Fath ʻAlī, Ākhund-zada, 1812-1878. 1882. Huart文庫
Book Thomae Erpenii grammatica arabica : Accedunt Locmani sapientis fabulae et selectae quaedam arabum sententiae. Erpenius, Thomas, 1584-1624. 1829. Huart文庫
Book Tlemcen et ses environs : guide illustré du touriste / A. Bel. Bel, A. 1873-1945. (Alfred), [19--] Huart文庫
Book Tlemcen et ses environs. Guide illustré du touriste, avec une carte et un plan. Bel, A. 1873-1945. (Alfred), [1922?] Huart文庫
Book Topographie von Damascus : im Auftrage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften / Kremer, Alfred, Freiherr von, 1828-1889. 1854-55. Huart文庫
Book Traduction arabe des pièces relatives à la procédure et au jugement de Soleyman-el-Hhaleby, assassin du général en chef Kléber. 19--?] Huart文庫
Book Traduction turke des pièces relatives à la procédure et au jugement de Soléyman-él-Hhaleby, assassin du général en chef Kleber. [1800?] Huart文庫
Book Traité de la prédestination et du libre arbitre : traduction nouvelle rev. et cor. / ʻAbd al-Razzāq al-Qāshānī-1330? 1875. Huart文庫
Book Traité des Berakhoth ou première partie du Talmud de Jérusalem et du Talmud de Babylone. Schwab, Moïse, 1839-1918. 1871. Huart文庫
Book Traité des successions musulmanes (ab intestat) extrait du commentaire de la Rahbia par Chenchouri, de la glose d'el-Badjouri et d'autres auteurs arabes, Luciani, J.-D. -1932. (Jean Dominique), 1890. Huart文庫
Book Traité sur le calcul dans les reins et dans la vessie / Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, 865?-925? 1896. Huart文庫
Book Traíte pratique des poids et mesures des peuples anciens et des Arabes / Decourdemanche, J.-A. 1844-1916. (Jean-Adolphe), 1909. Huart文庫
Book Transcaucasia. Sketches of the nations and races between the Black sea and the Caspian. Haxthausen, August, Freiherr von, 1792-1866. 1854. Huart文庫
