
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源類型
Book Views on effect of some English rhetoric qualities / Chang, Ting Chieh. 1975 丁貞婉專藏
Book Essays literary & critical / Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888. 1906. 丁貞婉專藏
Book Delight / Priestley, J. B. 1894-1984. (John Boynton), 1951. 丁貞婉專藏
Book A pocket-dictionary of the English and German languages : giving the pronunciation according to the phonetic system of Toussaint-Langenscheidt / Lindemann, Hermann. [1911] 丁貞婉專藏
Book Tales from Shakspeare / Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834. 1924. 丁貞婉專藏
Book Alexander von Humboldt : stationen seiner forschungsreise nach Amerika 1799-1804, Kalender 1986. 1986?] 丁貞婉專藏
Book [The Monterey Peninsula : an artist's view] / Brommer, Gerald 19--?] 丁貞婉專藏
Book La Belle vie de Notre-Dame 19??] 丁貞婉專藏
Book Spring of the field : Cheng-Chyi-Mow's woodcuts n.d.] 丁貞婉專藏
Journal American craft. 1979 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., western New England / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1975. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., Hawaii / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1976. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., the South Central States / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1974. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., the Northeast / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1978, c1977. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., the North Central States / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. c1974. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., California and Nevada / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. c1974. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., Wisconsin, Michigan, and the Great Lakes / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1973. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., Florida / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1973. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., Alaska / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1975. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Close-up : U.S.A., the Northwest / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1973. 丁貞婉專藏
Map West Indies and Central America / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1970, c1969. 丁貞婉專藏
Map South America / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. c1972. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Mexico / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1973. 丁貞婉專藏
Map The heritage of Africa / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. c1971. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Peoples of the Middle East / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1972. 丁貞婉專藏
Map Indians of North America / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. c1972. 丁貞婉專藏
Map [Africa, space photo] / Schmitt, Harrison H. c1973. 丁貞婉專藏
Map The earth's moon. National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. c1969. 丁貞婉專藏
Map The heavens / National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. 1970. 丁貞婉專藏
Book 超記憶法 / Ostrander, Sheila. 民71[1982] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 大學敎育與訓育論文集 / 民75[1986] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 眞草隸篆相唱和 : 臺中市書法學會八十四年會員書法展專輯 / 吳玲玲 民84[1995] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 陳其茂七十展 / 陳其茂 民84[1995] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 故宫藏畫精選 / 國立故宫博物院 民70[ 1981] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 名瓷盛覽 : 蕭添福收藏陶瓷專輯 / 蕭添福 民84[1995] 丁貞婉專藏
Journal Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Min kuo 80- [1991- 丁貞婉專藏
Book 美國敎育的演進 / Hechinger, Fred M. 民73[1984] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 牟崇松六六回顧展 = Mou Chung-sung's Chinese painting exhibition / 臺灣省立美術館. 編輯委員會; 牟崇松 民85[1996] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 莫黑諾.賓卡斯個展 : Exposition Moreno Pincas / 臺灣省立美術館. 編輯委員會 民85[1996] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 膠彩畫之淵源.傳承及其影響學術硏討會配合展 / 臺灣省立美術館. 編輯委員會 民84[1995] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 菲島原始文化與藝術 = Cultures and art of the Philippine minorities / 劉其偉. 民80[1991] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 翻譯的藝術 / 梁實秋 民59[1970] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 婆羅洲土著文化藝術 = Aboriginal culture and art of Borneo / 劉其偉. 民79[1990] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 美拉尼西亞文化藝術 = Cultures and art of Melanesia / 劉其偉. 民83[1994] 丁貞婉專藏
Book A history of English literature. Quennell, Peter, 1905-1993. [1973] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 中華民國國際版畫展 = International print exhibit: 1983 ROC / 民72[1983] 丁貞婉專藏
Book The Complete Greek tragedies / 1959-1960. 丁貞婉專藏
Book A literary history of England / 1967. 丁貞婉專藏
Journal 台中市第...屆大墩美展專輯 = Ta Tun art exhibition / 民85- [1996- ] 丁貞婉專藏
Book 凱撒的高盧戰記 / Caesar, Julius. 民73[ 1984] 丁貞婉專藏
