Book |
最新實用漢英辭典 = A new practical Chinese-English dictionary / |
民61[1972] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
簡明西漢辭典 = Lanbridge's diccionario manual Español-Chino / |
1997三刷 |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
台大法律法學75級班刊. |
民78[1989] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Legal control of use of force / |
Lin, Fu-shun. |
1970. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
What philosophy is : a guide to the elements / |
Danto, Arthur C., 1924-2013. |
c1968. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
財產 / |
Ryan, Alan. |
1991 [民80] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
家族法諸問題 : 陳棋炎先生七秩華誕祝賀論文集 / |
民79[1990] |
賀德芬專藏; 李鴻禧專藏; 臺大人文庫書目清單 |
Book |
人口學 : 觀念與硏究課題導論 / |
Weeks, John Robert, 1944- |
1990[民79] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
The American legal system; the administration of justice in the United States by judicial, administrative, military and arbitral tribunals. |
Mayers, Lewis, 1890-1975. |
[1955] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Conflicts in a nutshell / |
Ehrenzweig, Albert Armin. |
1974. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language / |
1977. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
臺灣的社會問題 : 1991版 / |
民80[1991] |
賀德芬專藏; 臺大人文庫書目清單 |
Journal |
Korean cinema. |
19uu |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Le Micro-Robert poche : dictionnaire d'apprentissage de la langue française / |
[1991], c1989. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
大聲講出愛台灣 : 林雙不演講集 / |
黃燕德 |
1989[民78] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Dutch for travellers / |
Hoogendoorn, Hans. |
1993. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
獄中沈思錄 / |
盧修一 |
1989. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
PPP guide : 5th Pusan Promotion Plan, Nov. 18-20, 2002 / |
2002. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
居禮夫人 : 寂寞而驕傲的一生 / |
Giroud, Francoise. |
1991[民80] |
賀德芬專藏; 婦女與性別研究資料 |
Book |
法律哲學 / |
Golding, Martin P. 1930- (Martin Philip)), |
民80[1991] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
New concise Webster's dictionary : composite edition, especially compiled for home, school, and office use : self-pronouncing, synonyms and antonyms, words frequently mispronounced / |
1975. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
民法上不當得利之硏究 / |
蔡秀雄 |
民58[1969] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Washington, D.C. : a novel / |
Vidal, Gore, 1925-2012, author. |
[1967] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
阿奎那政治著作选 / |
Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274. |
1963. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
论平等 / |
Leroux, Pierre, 1797-1871. |
1988(1991,第2 次印刷) |
賀德芬專藏; 比較政治 |
Book |
未來人才 : 腦力競爭的新趨勢 / |
1997[民86] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
A Lawyer's practice manul : based on the MoBar-Pren-Hall survey. |
Missouri. Bar. Committee on Legal Education. |
c1964. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Writing with a purpose. |
McCrimmon, James McNab. |
[1963] |
賀德芬專藏; 俞大維 |
Book |
現代法治國家與選舉罷免法 / |
1981. |
賀德芬專藏; 李鴻禧專藏; 臺大人文庫書目清單 |
Book |
(新校標點)資治通鑑 二百九十四卷 / |
司馬光 |
民71[1982] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Crisis in international news : policies and prospects / |
1981. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
转变中的法律与社会 : 迈向回应型法 / |
Nonet, Philippe. |
1994. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
现代社会中的法律 / |
Unger, Roberto Mangabeira. |
1994. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
艺朮法槪要 / |
DuBoff, Leonard D. |
1995. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
海闊天空 : 敎育的美麗新世界 / |
1997[民86] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
民間敎育改造藍圖 : 朝向社會正義的結構性變革 / |
1996[民85] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
美國公共電視 / |
孫靑 |
民81[1992] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
日本公共電視NHK / |
王立信 |
民81[1992] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
德國公共電視 / |
韋光正 |
民81[1992] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
英國廣播協會BBC / |
余思宙 |
民81[1992] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
愛情.法律.新女性 / |
尤美女 |
民81[1992] |
賀德芬專藏; 婦女與性別研究資料; 臺大人文庫書目清單 |
Book |
朗文當代高級辭典 : 英英.英漢雙解 =. Longman dictionary of contemporary English ; English-Chinese. |
1997. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
大醫院小醫師 / |
侯文詠1962- |
1992[民81] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Journal |
全國律師 |
1997- |
賀德芬專藏 |
Journal |
律師雜誌 |
1997-2008. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
Human rights in contemporary China / |
Edwards, R. Randle, 1934- |
1986. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
電傳視訊 / |
鄭瑞城 |
民74[1985] |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
發明專利法研究 / |
蔡明誠 |
1997[民86] |
賀德芬專藏; 李鴻禧專藏 |
Book |
In defense of American liberties : a history of the ACLU / |
Walker, Samuel, 1942- |
1990. |
賀德芬專藏 |
Book |
自求簡樸 / |
Elgin, Duane. |
民85[1996] |
賀德芬專藏 |