
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book An essay on Shakespeare's sonnets / Booth, Stephen, 1933- author. 1969. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The rainbow / Lawrence, D. H. 1885-1930. (David Herbert), [1973], ©1943. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Sons and lovers / Lawrence, D. H. 1885-1930. (David Herbert), 1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The last Manchu : the autobiography of Henry Pu Yi, last Emperor of China / Puyi, 1906-1967. ©1967. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Myths and legends of ancient Egypt / James, T. G. H. author. (Thomas Garnet Henry), 1972, ©1971. 郭松棻、李渝
Book A critique of pure tolerance / Wolff, Robert Paul, author. 1969. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Three philosophical novelists : James Joyce, André Gide, Thomas Mann / Brennan, Joseph Gerard, 1910-2004, author. ©1964. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Jesus / Anderson, Hugh, 1920- compiler. ©1967. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The old gringo / Fuentes, Carlos, author. 1986, ©1985. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Breakthrough dreaming : how to tap the power of your 24-hour mind / Delaney, Gayle M. V., author. ©1991. 郭松棻、李渝
Book In quest of a new psychology : toward a redefinition of humanism / Johnson, Richard Eaton, 1929- author. ©1975. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Miss Sophie's diary and other stories / Ding, Ling, 1904-1986. 1985. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Aden, Arabie / Nizan, Paul. 1970, ©1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The betrayal of the intellectuals : (La trahison des clercs) / Benda, Julien, 1867-1956, author. 1955. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Gide : a collection of critical essays / Littlejohn, David, 1937- compiler. ©1970. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Capitalism : the moving target / Silk, Leonard Solomon, 1918-1995, compiler. ©1974. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Sartre : a biographical introduction / Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller, 1928- author. [1972], ©1971. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Selected stories / Walser, Robert, 1878-1956. 1983, ©1982. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Freud's odyssey : psychoanalysis and the end of metaphysics / Draenos, Stan, 1945- author. ©1982. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The yogi and the commissar : and other essays / Koestler, Arthur, 1905-1983, author. 1965. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Heidegger, being and truth / Versenyi, Laszlo, author. ©1965. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Territorial claims in the Sino-Soviet conflict : documents & analysis / Doolin, Dennis J., author. 1965. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The man who sold a ghost : Chinese tales the 3rd-6th centuris / Yang, Xianyi, 1915-2009, compiler. 1974. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Raymond Radiguet : a biographical study with selections from his work / Crosland, Margaret, 1920- author. 1976. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Chinese communism in crisis : Maoism and the cultural revolution / Gray, Jack, 1926- auhtor. 1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The birth of Communist China / Fitzgerald, C. P. 1902-1992, author. (Charles Patrick), 1966, ©1964. 郭松棻、李渝
Book C. Wright Mills and the power elite / Domhoff, G. William, compiler. 1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The diary of a writer / Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. 1979. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Camus and Sartre : crisis and commitment / Brée, Germaine, author. ©1972. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The crisis of psychoanalysis / Fromm, Erich, 1900-1980, author. ©1970. 郭松棻、李渝
Journal Kontinent. 1976 郭松棻、李渝
Book The cold war : a re-appraisal / Luard, Evan, 1926- editor. ©1964. 郭松棻、李渝
Book A short course of political economy / Leontʹev, L. A. 1901-1974. (Lev Abramovich), [1968] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Peter Lavrov and the Russian revolutionary movement / Pomper, Philip, author. 1972. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Russia under the old regime / Pipes, Richard, author. ©1974. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Nikolai Bukharin : the last years / Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich, 1925- author. ©1980. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The October Revolution / Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich, 1925- author. 1979. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The extraordinary decade : literary memoirs / Annenkov, P. V. 1813-1887. (Pavel Vasilʹevich), ©1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Karl Korsch : revolutionary theory / Korsch, Karl, 1886-1961. ©1977. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Good as Gold / Heller, Joseph, author. [1979] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Tactics and ethics : political essays, 1919-1929 / Lukács, György, 1885-1971. 1975, ©1972. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Saul Bellow, drumlin woodchuck / Harris, Mark, 1922-2007. ©1980. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Five metaphysical poets : Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, Crashaw, Marvell / Bennett, Joan, author. 1964. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Anti-semitism : the causes and effects of a prejudice / Grosser, Paul E., author. 1979, ©1976. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The Japanese film : art and industry / Anderson, Joseph L., author. 1960. 郭松棻、李渝
Book A herstory of prostitution in western Europe / Wells, Jess, author. ©1982. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The fiction of S.Y. Agnon / Hochman, Baruch, 1930- author. 1970. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Tolstoy the ascetic / Spence, G. W. author. (Gordon William), 1968, ©1967. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Lazarus / Malraux, André, 1901-1976, author. 1977. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Studies on Marx and Hegel / Hyppolite, Jean. [1969] 郭松棻、李渝
