Book |
Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires / |
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. |
1920. |
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Book |
Greuze and Boucher / |
Pollard, Eliza F., -1911. |
1904. |
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Book |
The thirty-six dramatic situations |
Polti, Georges, 1868- |
1924. |
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Book |
Die Erotiker / |
Poritzky, J. E. 1876-1935. (Jakob Elias), |
1923. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Katechismus der Schachspielkunst / |
Portius, K. J. S. 1797-1862. (Karl Julius Simon), |
1889. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Histoire de Manon Lescaut / |
Prévost, abbé, 1697-1763. |
1889. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Ästhetik : belehrungen über die Wissenschaft vom schönen und der Kunst / |
Prölss, Robert, 1821-1906. |
1904. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Pages et pensées morales : extraites des auteurs grecs / |
1897. |
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Book |
Flaubert and Maupassant : a literary relationship / |
Riddell, Agnes Rutherford. |
[1920] |
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Book |
Jean-Christophe - La fin du voyage. |
Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. |
[1912?- ] |
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Book |
Loci critici : passages illustrative of critical theory and practice from Aristotle downwards / |
Saintsbury, George, 1845-1933. |
1903. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Léonard de Vinci; l'artiste & le savant, essai de biographie psychologique / |
Séailles, Gabriel, 1852-1922. |
1892. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Essai sur le génie dans l'art / |
Séailles, Gabriel, 1852-1922. |
1883. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Kunst und Kultur : aus der Zeit, für die Zeit, wider die Zeit! : productive Kritik in Vorträgen, Essais, Studien / |
Seidl, Arthur, d. 1928. |
1902. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Romain Rolland, l'homme et l'œuvre / |
Seippel, Paul, 1858-1926. |
1913. |
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Book |
Giotto, |
De Selincourt, Basil, 1876- |
1905. |
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Book |
Lettres choisies / |
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de, 1626-1696. |
[1910?] |
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Book |
Falstaff : sa vie, sa mort / |
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. |
'1924] |
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Book |
Songs and sonnets / |
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. |
1879. |
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Book |
Anatole France / |
Shanks, Lewis Piaget, 1878-1935. |
1919. |
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Book |
Dramatic opinions and essays with an apology / |
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. |
1906-1907. |
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Book |
The sanity of art / |
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. |
[1919] |
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Book |
Table-talk of G.B.S. : conversations on things in general, between George Bernard Shaw and his biographer / |
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. |
1925. |
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Book |
D'Eugène Delacroix au néo-impressionnisme. |
Signac, Paul, 1863-1935. |
1911. |
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Book |
Cyrano de Bergerac / |
Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619-1655. |
[1910?] |
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Book |
Swift : Instructions aux domestiques ... / |
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745. |
[192-?] |
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Book |
Watts / |
Sketchley, R. E. D. b. 1875. (Rose Esther Dorothea), |
1904. |
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Book |
The practice of oil painting : and of drawing as associated with it / |
Solomon, Solomon J. 1860-1927. (Solomon Joseph), |
1919. |
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Book |
La rêverie esthétique; essai sur la psychologie du poète, |
Souriau, Paul, 1852-1926. |
1906. |
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Book |
La suggestion dans l'art / |
Souriau, Paul, 1852-1926. |
1909. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Zur Kunst : ausgewählte Stücke moderner Prosa zur Kunstbetrachtung und zum Kunstgenuss / |
Spanier, M. |
1905. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
A history of literary criticism in the Renaissance / |
Spingarn, Joel Elias, 1875-1939. |
1912, c1908. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Creative criticism : essays on the unity of genius and taste / |
Spingarn, Joel Elias, 1875-1939. |
1917. |
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Book |
Adalbert Matkowsky / |
Stein, Philipp, 1853-1909. |
[1904] |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Racine : Kompositionsstudien zu seinen Tragödien ; ein zweiter Beitrag zur Geschichte des französischen Dramas / |
Steinweg, Carl, 1860- |
1909. |
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Book |
L'abbesse de Castro. |
Stendhal, 1783-1842. |
[1912] |
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Book |
Die Äbtissin von Castro / |
Stendhal, 1783-1842. |
1922. |
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Book |
La chartreuse de Parme / |
Stendhal, 1783-1842. |
[19--?] |
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Book |
Le rouge et le noir; chronique du XIXe siècle / |
Stendhal, 1783-1842. |
[1850?] |
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Book |
Die deutsche Malerei / |
Steppes, Edmund, 1873-1968. |
1907. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
The life & opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman / |
Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768. |
1926. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
A sentimental journey through France and Italy : with A political romance ; A fragment ; Journal to Eliza ; Letters to Eliza. |
Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768. |
1927. |
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Book |
Velazquez / |
Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray, 1847-1900. |
1904. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Essays in the art of writing / |
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. |
1917. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
The romantic movement in French literature / |
Stewart, H. F. 1863-1948. (Hugh Fraser), |
1913. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Die bildende kunst der gegenwart : ein büchlein für jedermann / |
Strzygowski, Josef, 1862-1941. |
1907. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Studies in prose and poetry / |
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837-1909. |
1915. |
深田文庫 |
Book |
Die deutsche expressionistische Kultur und Malerei / |
Sydow, Eckart von, 1885-1942. |
[c1920] |
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Book |
New Italian sketches / |
Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893. |
1884. |
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Book |
The symbolist movement in literature. |
Symons, Arthur, 1865-1945. |
1911. |
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