
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源類型
Book Casaysayan can mahal na pasion ni Jesucristo cagurangnanta : na sucat ipaglaad nin puso nin siisay man na manbasa / Gaínza, Francisco, 1818-1879. 1915. 小川文庫
Book Petera leh Johana leh Juda lekha thawn-te : The epistles of Peter, John, & Jude in Lushai. 1915. 小川文庫
Book Revelation, Bengali. 1882. 小川文庫
Book Guide to the obligatory test in Marathi. Burrard, C. 1899. 小川文庫
Book An-nam cao-miên ai-lao dia-du' diên ca = Géographie de l'annam, du cambodge et du laos / 1918. 小川文庫
Book A Manual of the Foochow dialect / 小川文庫
Book Boekoe basaon na nibaen / Dammerboer, J. G. 1910- 小川文庫
Book Måntjå-warnå : lajang watjan kanggo ing pamoelangan Djåwå / Darmå, Soetjiptå 1912. 小川文庫
Book Gujarati fifth book / 1910. 小川文庫
Book Some Assamese proverbs. Gurdon, P. R. T. 1863- (Philip Richard Thornhagh), 1903. 小川文庫
Book Western Mandarin : or, The spoken language of western China / Grainger, Adam. 1900. 小川文庫
Book Petit dictionnaire annamite-français / Génibrel, J.-F.-M. 1906. 小川文庫
Book Census of India, 1911. India. Census Commissioner. 1913. 小川文庫
Book Introduction to the Khariā language. Banerjee, Gagan Chandra. 1894. 小川文庫
Book Chineesch-Hollandsch woordenboek van het Emoi dialekt, Francken, J. J. C. 1882. 小川文庫
Book The Hindūstānī manual / Forbes, Duncan, 1798-1868. 1917. 小川文庫
Book Vademecum für studierende der romanischen Philologie, Ettmayer, Karl, Ritter von, 1874-1938. 1919. 小川文庫
Book Historische Formenlehre des lateinischen, Ernout, A. b. 1879. (Alfred), 1920. 小川文庫
Book Outline grammar of the Kachari (Bara) language as spoken in District Darrang, Assam: with illustrative sentences, notes, reading lessons, and a short vocabulary. Endle, Sidney, 1840?-1907. 1884. 小川文庫
Book Empat Serangkai : oentoek kanak-kanak jang hendak beladjar membatja (hoeroef Belanda) 1915. 小川文庫
Book A grammar of the Chinese colloquial language commonly called the Mandarin dialect. Edkins, Joseph, 1823-1905. 1864. 小川文庫
Book A grammar of colloquial Chinese, as exhibited in the Shanghai dialect. Edkins, Joseph, 1823-1905. 1868. 小川文庫
Book China's place in philology : an attempt to show that the languages of Europe and Asia have a common origin / Edkins, Joseph, 1823-1905, author. 1871. 小川文庫
Book An outline grammar and dictionary of the Kachari (Dimasa) language (Based on Mani Charan Barman's Kachari grammar) Dundas, W. C. M. 1908. 小川文庫
Book The Kulu dialect of Hindi: some notes on its grammatical structure, with specimens of the songs and sayings current amongst the people, and a glossary, Diack, Alexander Henderson, Sir, 1862-1929. 1896. 小川文庫
Book Praktisch-theoretisches Lehrbuch des Ägyptischen Vulgär-Arabisch / Dirr, Adolf, 1867-1930. [1912] 小川文庫
Book Praktisches lehrbuch der ostarmenischen sprache. Mit einer schrifttafel. Dirr, Adolf, 1867-1930. [1912] 小川文庫
Book Theoretisch-praktische Grammatik der modernen georgischen (grusinischen) Sprache : mit Uebungsstücken, einem Lesebuch, einer Schrifttafel und einer Karte / Dirr, Adolf, 1867-1930. [1904] 小川文庫
Book Mangle : nja eta roepa-roepa tjarita reudjeung tjonto pikeum sakola Soenda / Gelder, Willem van. 1913. 小川文庫
Book Nouveau dictionnaire français-hollandais. Campagne, Herman Carl Anton. [1913] 小川文庫
Book Gujarati seventh book / 1913. 小川文庫
Book Bahwa ini Hikajat Djahidin / Dewall, A. F. von. 1914. 小川文庫
Book Hikajat Bachtiar / Dewall, A. F. von. 1913. 小川文庫
Book Hikajat Masjhoedoe'lhak / Dewall, A. F. von. 1916. 小川文庫
Book Hikajat Sinbad / Dewall, A. F. von. 1911. 小川文庫
Book Boekoe Aosan Abdi : batjaeun moerid² kĕlas hidji di sakola Soenda / Djajadiredja, Raden. 1915. 小川文庫
Book Vertaling van een vijftigtal fabelen, uit: 1e. Het Engelsch leesboek, getiteld: "Guy's new british reader". 2e. Het Engelsch leesboek, uit het Hoogduftsch van Dr. Friederich Gedicke. 3e. Het werkje, getiteld: "Keur van fabelen voor de Nederlandsche Jeugd" in vers-maat, door J. Kramers Jz. 1913. 小川文庫
Book Boenga Rampai : jaītoe berbagi-bagai tjeritera / Dewall, Adolf Friedrich von, 1834-1909. 1911. 小川文庫
Book Boenga Rampai : jaïtoe berbagai-bagai tjeritera / Habbema, J. 1913. 小川文庫
Book Kurukh grammar / Hahn, Ferdinand. 1911. 小川文庫
Book Kurukh folk-lore : in the original / Hahn, Ferdinand. 1905. 小川文庫
Book An outline grammar of the Dafla language as spoken by the tribes immediately south of the Apa Tanang country. Hamilton, R. C. 1900. 小川文庫
Book Inventaire alphabétique de la Bibliothéque de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (Fonds Européen) École française d'Extrême-Orient. Bibliothèque. 1916-17. 小川文庫
Book A hand-book of the Kachin or Jinghpaw language, including grammar, phrase-book, English-Kachin and Kachin-English vocabularies. Hanson, O. 1864-1929. (Ola), 1917. 小川文庫
Book Vocabulaire bouddhique sanscrit-chinois : Précis de doctrine bouddhique / Harlez, Charles de, 1832-1899. 1897. 小川文庫; 亞洲研究
Book "Yenna vehnum?" : a Tamil handbook for beginners / Harvey, F. G. 1916. 小川文庫
Book Grammatical notes and vocabulary of the Peguan language, to which are added a few pages of phrases, &c., Haswell, James Madison, 1810-1876. 1901. 小川文庫
Book Nadere aanvullingen en verbeteringen op de bijdragen tot de kennis van het Midden Maleisch (Bĕsĕmahsch en Sĕrawajsch dialect) ; Lampongsche dwerghertverhalen / Helfrich, O. L. 1860- (Oscar Louis), 1915. 小川文庫
Book The Nanking Kuan Hua / Hemeling, K. 1878- (Karl), 1902. 小川文庫
Book Tibetan manual. Henderson, Vincent C. 1903. 小川文庫
