Book |
The man of letters in the modern world : selected essays: 1928-1955 / |
Tate, Allen, 1899-1979. |
[1955], ©1953. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The proud tower : a portrait of the world before the war, 1890-1914 / |
Tuchman, Barbara W. 1912-1989, author. (Barbara Wertheim), |
©1966. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Essays on English and American literature / |
Spitzer, Leo, 1887-1960. |
1962. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The Russian tradition / |
Szamuely, Tibor, 1925-1972. |
©1974. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Essays in honour of E.H. Carr / |
1974. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
A Mauriac reader / |
Mauriac, François, 1885-1970, author. |
[1968] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Ritual vessels of bronze age China / |
Loehr, Max, author. |
©1968. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Treasures from the bronze age of China : an exhibition from the People's Republic of China. |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) |
1980. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Portrait of a man unknown : a novel / |
Sarraute, Nathalie, author. |
©1958. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
宗敎与西方文化的兴起 / |
Dawson, Christopher, 1889-1970. |
1989. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
笛卡尔哲学原理 : 依几何学方式证明 / |
Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677. |
1980. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
閱讀當代小說 : 台灣.大陸.香港.海外 / |
王德威 |
民80[1991] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
不朽 / |
Kundera, Milan. |
民80[1991] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
From Shakespeare to existentialism / |
Kaufmann, Walter, 1921-1980. |
1960. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Sources of Chinese tradition / |
1964, ©1960. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Chinese figure painting / |
Freer Gallery of Art. |
1973. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The autobiography of Bertrand Russell. |
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970. |
1967-1969. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Being and having : an existentialist diary / |
Marcel, Gabriel, 1889-1973. |
©1965. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Homo viator : introduction to a metaphysic of hope / |
Marcel, Gabriel, 1889-1973. |
1962. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Sartre : romantic rationalist / |
Murdoch, Iris. |
[1959] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Bertrand Russell and the British tradition in philosophy / |
Pears, David, 1921-2009, author. |
[1967] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau / |
Cassirer, Ernst, 1874-1945. |
1963. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Sociology and pragmatism : the higher learning in America / |
Mills, C. Wright 1916-1962. (Charles Wright), |
1966, ©1964. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Sophocles : a collection of critical essays / |
Woodard, Thomas Marion, 1933- editor. |
©1966. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Fifty years of Chinese philosophy, 1898-1948 / |
Brière, O. |
[1965] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Phenomenology and art / |
Ortega y Gasset, José, 1883-1955. |
©1975. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Being and time / |
Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. |
[1962] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Martin Heidegger / |
Steiner, George, 1929-2020. |
1979, ©1978. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Philosophy / |
Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969. |
1969-1971. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The poetic art of W.H. Auden / |
Blair, John G., author. |
1965. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Conversations with Lukács / |
Lukács, György, 1885-1971. |
1975, c1974. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
A James Joyce miscellany. |
©1962. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Neo-Confucian thought in action : Wang Yang-ming's youth (1472-1509) / |
Tu, Weiming, 1940- |
c1976. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
James Joyce : a critical introduction / |
Levin, Harry, 1912-1994. |
1960. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Search for a method / |
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. |
1963. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Sartre's ontology : a study of Being and nothingness in the light of Hegel's logic / |
Hartmann, Klaus, 1925 September 5- |
1966. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Existentialism as philosophy / |
Molina, Fernando R. |
c1962. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The Existentialist Revolt : The Main Themes and Phases of Existentialism : Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre, Marcel / |
Reinhardt, Kurt F. 1896-1983 author. (Kurt Frank), |
[1960] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The tragic finale : an essay on the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre / |
Desan, Wilfrid. |
1960. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Existentialism and Indian thought / |
Guru Dutt, K. |
[1960] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Historical materialism / |
Cornforth, Maurice Campbell. |
1971, ©1962. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
A philosophy of man : [essays] / |
Schaff, Adam. |
©1963. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The Chinese mind : essentials of Chinese philosophy and culture / |
East-West Philosophers' Conference. |
1967. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The Enlightenment : an interpretation / |
Gay, Peter, 1923-2015, author. |
1966-69. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Genesis and structure of Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / |
Hyppolite, Jean. |
1974. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Hegel's Science of logic / |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. |
1969. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Hegel: reinterpretation, texts, and commentary / |
Kaufmann, Walter, 1921-1980. |
1965. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
G. W. F. Hegel : an introduction to the science of wisdom / |
Rosen, Stanley, 1929-2014. |
1974. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Hegel's philosophy of history / |
Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor. |
©1974. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Hegel's theory of the modern state / |
Avineri, Shlomo. |
1972. |
郭松棻、李渝 |