
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Chin Pʻing mei : the adventurous history of Hsí Men and his six wives / Xiaoxiaosheng. 1947. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Hegel on art : an interpretation of Hegel's aesthetics / Kaminsky, Jack, 1922- ©1962. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Art through the ages. Gardner, Helen, 1878-1946. ©1959. 郭松棻、李渝
Book A history of modern Chinese fiction, 1917-1957 = Jin dai Zhongguo xiao shuo shi / Hsia, Chih-tsing, 1921-2013. 1961. 郭松棻、李渝; 丁貞婉專藏
Book The golden casket : Chinese novellas of two millennia / Bauer, Wolfgang, 1930-1997, author. [1964] 郭松棻、李渝
Book The arts of China / Sullivan, Michael, 1916-2013, author. [1973] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Stendhal : the education of a novelist / Strickland, Geoffrey. [1974] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Stendhal : a collection of critical essays / Brombert, Victor, 1923- ©1962. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Albert Camus : a study of his work / Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller, 1928- 1959, ©1957. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The possessed : a play in three parts / Camus, Albert, 1913-1960. ©1960. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Albert Camus : the artist in the arena. Parker, Emmett, author. 1966, ©1965. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The art of sculpture. Read, Herbert, 1893-1968. [1956] 郭松棻、李渝
Book English poetry : the main currents from Chaucer to the present / Bush, Douglas, 1896-1983, author. 1963. 郭松棻、李渝; 丁貞婉專藏
Book The new poetic : Yeats to Eliot / Stead, C. K. 1932- (Christian Karlson), 1966, ©1964. 郭松棻、李渝
Book New bearings in English poetry : study of the contemporary situation. Leavis, F. R. 1895-1978. (Frank Raymond), 1963. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Companion to Chaucer studies / 1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Chaucer : modern essays in criticism / Wagenknecht, Edward, 1900-2004, editor. 1959. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Marcovaldo, or, The seasons in the city / Calvino, Italo. ©1983. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The watcher & other stories / Calvino, Italo, author. 1975, ©1971. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 珍貴的友情 / 民59[1970] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Modern Latin American literature / Gallagher, David, 1944- author. 1973. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 跪向升起的月亮 / 何索. 民57[1968] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 憂國.潮騷 / 三島由紀夫 民73[1984] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 我是貓 / 夏目漱石 民70[1981] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 附魔者 / Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. 民68[1979] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 一九八四 / Orwell, George, 1903-1950. 民56[1967] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 夢中樹 / Porter, Katherine Anne, 1890-1980. 民59[1970] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 英詩韻律學 = Outline of English prosody / 蘇維熊. 民56[1967] 郭松棻、李渝; 丁貞婉專藏; 楊雲萍
Book 伊豆的舞娘 : 川端康成十五篇短篇精選集 / 川端康成 民74[1985] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 法國文壇之「新」貌 / 胡品淸 民73[1984] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) / Modigliani, Amedeo, 1884-1920. ©1954. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Chinese painting / Cahill, James, 1926-2014. ©1960. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 帕爾瑪宫闈秘史 / Stendhal, 1783-1842. 民47[1958] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 日本現代小說選 / 佐藤愛子 民64[1975]- 郭松棻、李渝
Book Romanticism reconsidered : selected papers from the English Institute / English Institute.; Frye, Northrop. 1963. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Modern Black novelists : a collection of critical essays / Cooke, Michael G., compiler. [1971] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Literature and philosophy between two World Wars : the problem of alienation in a war culture / Slochower, Harry, 1900- author. 1964, ©1945. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Twentieth century interpretations of As you like it : a collection of critical essays / Halio, Jay L., compiler. ©1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book Twentieth century interpretations of Henry IV, part two : a collection of critical essays / Young, David, 1936- compiler. ©1968. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 吉姆爺 / Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 民70[1981] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 英國文學史 / Moody, William Vaughan, 1869-1910. 民47[1958] 郭松棻、李渝
Book 城堡 / Kafka, Franz, 1883-1924. 民59[1970] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Noam Chomsky / Lyons, John, 1932- author. ©1970. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 希臘左巴 / Kazantzakis, Nikos, 1883-1957. 民69[1980] 郭松棻、李渝
Book English literature, 1789-1815. Renwick, W. L. 1889-1970. (William Lindsay), 1963. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 天使望鄉 / Wolfe, Thomas, 1900-1938. 民74[1985] 郭松棻、李渝
Book Gramsci's Marxism / Boggs, Carl. 1976. 郭松棻、李渝
Book 里爾克傳 / Holthusen, Hans Egon, 1913- 民58[1969] 郭松棻、李渝
Book An introduction to the English novel / Kettle, Arnold. 1960. 郭松棻、李渝
Book The Norton anthology of English literature / Abrams, M. H. 1912-2015. (Meyer Howard), [1962] 郭松棻、李渝
