Book |
Introduction to metaphysics / |
Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941. |
©1961. |
郭松棻、李渝; 俞大維 |
Book |
Samuel Johnson's literary criticism / |
Hagstrum, Jean H., author. |
1967 |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The question concerning technology, and other essays / |
Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976, author. |
1977. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
文學評論精選 : 威爾森文學評論集 / |
Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972. |
民66[1977] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Heidegger's Being and time and the possibility of political philosophy / |
Blitz, Mark. |
1981. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
近代中国土匪实录 / |
河北文史資料編輯部 |
1992. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The industrial society : three essays on ideology and development / |
Aron, Raymond, 1905-1983. |
1967. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
中国的軍阀政治(1916-1928) / |
齊錫生 |
1991. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Constitutionalism, ancient and modern / |
McIlwain, Charles Howard, 1871-1968. |
1947. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
釋迦方誌 / |
釋道宣〔唐〕 |
1983. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Twentieth century interpretations of The ambassadors : a collection of critical essays / |
Stone, Albert E., compiler. |
©1969. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Henry James and the French novel : a study in inspiration / |
Grover, Philip. |
1973. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Lukács' concept of dialectic / |
Mészáros, István, 1930- |
1972. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Irrational man; a study in existential philosophy. |
Barrett, William, 1913-1992. |
1958. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre / |
1956. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Philosophers speak for themselves / |
Smith, Thomas Vernor, 1890-1964, editor. |
©1956. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
French without toil / |
Chérel, A. 1880-1962, author. (Albert), |
1953. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
A primer of formal logic / |
Cooley, John C. 1903- author. (John Cleveland), |
1942. |
郭松棻、李渝; 殷海光專藏 |
Book |
Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Kafka : four prophets of our destiny / |
Hubben, William, 1895-1974. |
1962, ©1952. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The transcendence of the ego : an existentialist theory of consciousness / |
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980, author. |
©1957. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Existentialism and human emotions / |
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. |
[1957] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The portable Nietzsche / |
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. |
1954. |
郭松棻、李渝; 俞大維 |
Book |
The philosophy of Hegel : a systematic exposition / |
Stace, W. T. 1886-1967, author. (Walter Terence), |
1955. |
郭松棻、李渝; 楊雲萍; 殷海光專藏 |
Book |
A history of philosophy / |
Windelband, W. 1848-1915. (Wilhelm), |
1958. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Zen and Japanese culture. |
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870-1966. |
[1959] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
瑪娜的房子 / |
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, 1918-2008. |
民65. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Fear and trembling : and the sickness unto death / |
Kierkegaard, Søren, author. 1813-1855, |
1954. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The present age : and Of the difference between a genius and an apostle / |
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855. |
1962. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Existentialism and theology : an investigation of the contribution of Rudolf Bultmann to theological thought / |
Davis, George Washington, author. |
©1957. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Edifying discourses : a selection / |
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855. |
©1958. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
祁克果的人生哲學 / |
Kierkegaard, Sören, 1813-1855. |
民52[1963] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The golden bough; a study in magic and religion. |
Grazer, James George, Sir, 1854-1941. |
1951 [c1950] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Four existentialist theologians : a reader from the works of Jacques Maritain, Nicolas Berdyaev, Martin Buber, and Paul Tillich / |
Herberg, Will, editor. |
©1958. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Reason in history : a general introduction to the philosophy of history / |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. |
©1953. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
康有為物質理財救國論 / |
康有為1858-1927. |
民68[1979] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Existential Marxism in postwar France : from Sartre to Althusser / |
Poster, Mark, author. |
©1975. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
Modern Japanese stories : an anthology, with translations by Edward Seidensticker and others and woodcuts by Masakazu Kuwatz / |
Morris, Ivan I. |
[1962] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
淸詩話 / |
丁福保 |
[民54,1965] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The coming of the French Revolution : 1789 / |
Lefebvre, Georges, 1874-1959. |
©1947. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
中國文學在日本 / |
鄭淸茂 |
民57[1968] |
郭松棻、李渝; 楊雲萍 |
Book |
中國文學論集 / |
昭和41[1966] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
元雜劇硏究 / |
吉川幸次郎 |
民49[1960] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
自殺的起因與防止 / |
Stengel, Erwin. |
民66[1977] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
現代的末日 / |
Wheelis,, Allen, 1915- |
1987[民76] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
施蟄存 / |
施蟄存1905-2003. |
1988[民77] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
The gate of darkness : studies on the leftist literary movement in China / |
Xia, Ji'an, 1916-1965. |
©1968. |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
近代日本文化與思想 / |
周佳榮 |
1985[民74] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
文學風格論 / |
1982[民71] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
龍坡雜文 / |
臺靜農 |
民77[1988] |
郭松棻、李渝 |
Book |
列子章句新編 ;楊子章句新編 / |
嚴靈峰 |
民49[1960] |
郭松棻、李渝 |